Dr. Gregory Ruiz

Director of Marine Invasions Research, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, USA


Dr. Ruiz is a marine ecologist working on invasion biology, biogeography, ecology, and sustainability in coastal marine ecosystems. He heads a research group of ~ 40 full-time biologists, based at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) laboratories, located on Chesapeake Bay and San Francisco Bay.

Most of his research explores the patterns, mechanisms, and consequences of marine invasions. He conducts extensive measurements and experiments across both Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the Americas, helping to advance an international network for marine biosecurity research. His work includes extensive analysis of commercial shipping and trade patterns, evaluating management strategies to reduce coastal invasions.

A Senior Scientist at SERC for over 30 years, Dr. Ruiz has published over 200 scientific articles as author or coauthor, focusing primarily on marine invasion ecology and management. He began his career in California and has broad interests in marine biology and the dynamics of coastal ecosystems. Greg holds a Ph.D. in zoology from the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.A. in aquatic biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

All sessions by Dr. Gregory Ruiz

Keynote lecture: Evaluating Marine Invasions in Space and Time: Application of Standardized Protocols in the Americas
03:00 PM
Dr. Gregory Ruiz

Director of Marine Invasions Research, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, USA
